IBM® CICS Transaction Gateway Connector - Mule 3
Streamline business processes between IBM� CICS� and enterprise applications and services with the Anypoint Connector for IBM� CICS� Transaction Gateway. The connector provides integration with back-end CICS� applications using the CICS� Transaction Gateway.
This connector supports the following authentication and operations:
- Authentication - The connector uses the IPIC (IP interconnectivity) protocol to establish communication with CICS regions over TCP/IP. This type of connection also supports SSL authentication.
- Execution of CICS Programs - The connector allows users to invoke CICS programs:
- Using Channels and Containers.
- Using a COMMAREA. Data transfers are limited to 32 KB.
- Transactions - The connector leverages XA Transactions by means of Mule?s Transactional scope and the Bitronix Transaction Manager components.